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Friday, March 24, 2006

"Housing Committee Discusses Inclusionary Zoning" by Ed King in the West End News: March 7, 2006

The Portland City Council’s Housing Committee wants to hear more about a policy called ‘inclusionary zoning’ which would require developers to include an affordable housing element in any project built in the city, in exchange for being allowed to build more units or having parking requirements eased.

The idea was brought to the Committee by incoming Green Party Chair Kevin Donoghue and Justin Alfond, Director of the League of Young Voters. Alfond told the Committee that there might be a certain ‘fear factor’ on the part of local developers, but that inclusionary zoning was working in other parts of the country. Donoghue called it a ‘bulwark against gentrification’.

Committee Chair Karen Geraghty suggested that the idea be discussed with some local developers to get their input, and some community forums be held to answer questions about the idea.

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