Contribute to the Portland Greens !!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Declare your Green Independence!

Happy (Green) independence day!

Tomorrow, (the fourth!) will feature a green independence day party at our own Kevin Donoghue's place on 44 North St in the East end. Kevin was elected to the City Council last year and would like to introduce some other greens that are running (or are considering running) for council and other seats at his party--- after that there are explosions to watch on the eastern prom!

BYOB--- Starts at approximately 8pm --- 44 North (backyard!)

ALSO i hope that you are all aware of the ever closer looming elections. Nomination Papers can be taken out quite soon and if you know of anyone (maybe you!) who would like to run for city council district at large or district three, school board at large or district three or water district please let us know-- we hope to have a full slate of Greens for these important local posts.

Cheers and see you tomorrow!

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