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Friday, March 22, 2013

Plan to Legalize Marijuana In Portland


Plan To Legalize Marijuana In Portland
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Plan To Legalize Marijuana In Portland
PORTLAND (WGME) -- A plan to make marijuana legal in Portland could be up to voters as early as November.

The city's Green Party is proposing that up to 2.5 ounces be legal for those over 21 years old, but with restrictions, including no smoking pot in schools or public places, like Monument Square.

Portland's Green Party Secretary Tom MacMillan says by this time next week, they should be given the green light from the city to start filing petitions with signatures of eligible voters. If they get enough, the legalization question could be on a city-wide ballot by November.

MacMillan says marijuana should be taxed and not take the resources away from police departments, saying legalizing pot would mean less crime involving the drug.

Most of the people who spoke with News 13 in Portland Wednesday night liked the idea, while others say they'd like to learn more about the plan or to see if it's worked in other municipalities before they sign on.

The Green Party will have 80 days to collect signatures from 1,500 eligible voters in Portland.

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