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Thursday, June 07, 2007

For those who missed it (myself included!) Maine Green Convention

Thanks to Ben Meiklejohn for the update:

Hi All, For those of you who did not get to go to the MGIP Convention here
is the write up on it.
Maine Green Independent Party Holds Its Convention Honoring Great
Performances Setting the Stage for 2008
The Maine Green Independent Party Convention was held May 19-20 in
Bangor for electing officers, appointing committees, forming a Social
Action Committee, endorsing the Strategy and Goals Committee, and
clarifying Green Party By-laws for more effective operation.

Jane Meisenbach, Harpswell, was re-elected as Chair of the Board. Also
elected to the Board were Eileen Goddard, (re-elected) Yarmouth, Lynne
Williams, Mount Desert Island, Jim Freeman, Verona Island, and Ben
Chipman of Portland (filling the second year of his two-year term).
Elected Delegates to the Green Party of the United States are Jacqui
Deveneau and John Rensenbrink with Theresa Savage, Tracey Grant, Jane
Meisenbach, Pat LaMarche, Jon Olsen, and Gerald Oleson enlisted as

Discussion and suggestions centered around adding shellfish dragging and
shoreland zoning to the Platform, as well as contacting local committees
to identify vacant seats and post them in the newletter, and to seek out
candidates for office. Also discussed was having a major Green presence,
and perhaps an event around the August 25th Peace Rally and March in

John Rensenbrink spoke about new Strategies and Goals for the Party, and
Pat LaMarche told about the Green campaign for a Single Payer Universal
Health Care initiative, as well as electoral politics as related to her
run for office. Ruth Gabey explained what she does to track proposed
legislation and testify at hearings, telling of the challenges she faces
in carrying out that responsibility.

This was followed by an Awards Dinner that honored those who passed away
last year, Lifetime Achievement Awards, and Green of the Year.
"Alan Philbrook was a man of action. He was a decisive force in the very
early founding of our Green Party in Maine. I miss him very much," said
John Rensenbrink, a founder of the Green Party of the United States and
a presenter at the Maine Greens awards banquet. Philbrook, using the
referendum process, gave voice to the majority to end nuclear power
generation in this state. Also honored were Lester Timofeev for his work
on Pat LaMarche's campaign, Hal Weisbein, who was actively involved with
the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, and Howard Hede, who was a long time
Maine Green at the age of 96.

Nancy Allen, Media Coordinator, and Ruth Gabey, Legislation Coordinator,
were recognized for their lifetime contributions to the Green Party. The
Maine Green of the Year award was presented to Theresa Savage who was
the treasurer for the LaMarche campaign, and managed over one million
dollars of clean election funds. She was the only Party Treasurer in the
Governor's race to not have an ethical problem.

Voter registration for the Maine Green Party grew to 30,000 this year,
which is more proportionally than any other state Green Party. According
to Chair Jane Meisenbach, "This suggests that we are a viable
alternative to the major political parties that not only offer no
initiatives for sustainable, positive change, but are tragically out of
touch with the real needs of our citizens and the global environment."
For more information go to or .

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